Final price depends on the following details

- City, Country
- Date/s
- Name/number of final artists
- Performance duration (5-180 min)
- Venue/reason of performance/event
- Number of daily performances
- Number of performance days
- Costumized show parts that are requested


Transport & VISA - Not included in our rates
- Flight tickets for the artist/s and technical crew
- Transfer Airport - Hotel - Venue - Hotel - Airport
- All costs for a working or tourist VISA if needed


Hotel / Per Diems

  • Hotel room/s with late checkin / checkout, free internet and breakfast included
  • + Food expenses for 2 mean meals per day

Payment Conditiones

  • To book artists 50% and signing the contract
  • To confirm artists 50% 2 weeks before the event                       

You will need to pay 100% of the total fee upfront and the airtickets.